Well I saw the boys today :) both were awake!
Gavin is up to 3lb 8oz. He is eating 15ml/3hr and if he keeps it down all night they are upping him to 21ml/3hr and if he keeps it down 2 feedings he gets his IV out :)
Gabe is up to 21ml/3hr and is on total breast milk! He got his IV out today :) so he only has his nose tube to eat. And his little respiratory and temperature patches!! A lot less tubes and wires!
I think I'm wearing myself down though going everyday. It's only been a week since my c section. I've weaned myself off of the heavy duty pain meds and am just taking Ibprofen. I did have to take one before bed last night I was sooooo sore! I just feel like if I don't go see them everyday I'm a bad mom. Or like a lazy mom. Like a stay at home mom that takes her kid to the daycare. I just need to find a balance.
Ethan's better tonight. Not as cranky. He is on a Tylenol and Ibprofen alternating schedule. His tooth is just about to pop through. He has a snotty nose too. Poor guy. Myles has hand foot and mouth and Ethan was with him while we were in the hospital so we have to watch out for that. The infectious disease attending said that f Ethan gets a fever or shows signs of the rash that Tim or I cannot go up to see the boys until it has gone away. And if I've already exposed the twins and they get it then they will be put in isolation and we still won't get to see them :( so pray it doesn't show up and that he doesn't have it already!
His birthday party is tomorrow. 10 days early and only family but we planned it before the twins were here because we knew I'd be big and uncomfortable. Well now I'm just flabby and sore lol
It'll be a busy day because I have to take my milk up to the boys and get Xavier and Ethan's party and Tim's only day off in a week! We will be stretched thin.
Pics: gavin is asleep. Gabe is awake. And on my chest Gavin has the big blue hat and gabe the stripped :) and Ethan likes to try to help out with the boys by adjusting my pump lol
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