Monday, August 20, 2012

My baby is officially one. We've been counting down the days and have even already had a small family party but it really didn't hit me until I saw the clock said midnight.

Today's the day my first son was born.

So many things have happened in the past year. With Ethan, and with Tim and i.

It makes me sad to think about how fast this time has gone by and that we will never get to remake those memories or visit any of those milestones together again. There are things I wish I would and could have done differently but then he wouldn't be the amazing little man I know today. I am so proud to be able to say that I am his mother. I feel so blessed that our family is still whole as so many young families break up.

I am excited and blessed to have been able to bring two more lives into the world this past year and now Ethan, Xavier, Tim, and myself get to help Gavin and Gabriel conquer all the things Ethan has just learned to do again.

If you asked me two years ago before I met Tim and we got pregnant with Ethan I would have told you I wasn't sure that I wanted to have children. After having the pleasure of raising Ethan, and the love and patience he has taught me I would gladly have 15 more (if we could support them). Being a mother is the best job in the world.

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