Friday, June 1, 2012

I just had my 6am ultrasound after a night of waking up every 2 hours to pee, take meds, and get vitals. Gabriel this morning has a heart rate of 137 and a visable bladder. His pocket of fluid went from 0.50 yesterday to 2.4cm this morning! He was bouncing around and flipped from breech to head down at about 4am this morning. I felt a huge lump pushing out of my bully and sure enough it was him flippin' over! Gavin's pocket is now down to 6.3cm from 12.8cm and his heart rate is 157. We measured my cervix and its 3.87cm at the shortest so a little change from the cramping but I had no major contractions during the night. My back is still KILLING me and so is my incision site because the tech was just pushing all over it with the wand. Gavin and Gabe might have switched their "baby a" and "baby b" titles though. now that Gabe is head down is a little closer to the cervix.

So we survived the night. We have yet to speak to either of the doctors, so I just ordered breakfast for me and my mom. During my ultrasound I hit my IV against the rail of the bed trying to adjust and backed blood up into it. I cannot WAIT until they take this thing out. We should get discharged between 10a and 11a they said then we will go back to the hotel and hope the babies hang on another 5 days until our follow up on June 5th!

I'll keep you guys posted on movements and how my strict bedrest adventure in the hotel with my mom is going. I am going to be so stiff and out of shape once these babies get here.

Ready for Tim to wake up so I can tell him and Ethan :) Even if Ethan cannot understand yet.


  1. Good to start my day with some good news. ;) I'll be thinking about you and your boys. Hang in there! I love you all!

  2. I'm happy with the good news.. keep us posted!!!

  3. Hey Jess this is cherish. I just wanted to let you know I have been eagerly reading your posts each day. And my fiancé and I have been endlessly praying for you and your family. I hope everything turns out well and you have 2 healthy baby boys. We will keep praying for you.
