Well today was a trying day that's for sure. Last night around 6p Gavin spiked a fever of 100.6. He cries inconsolably for about 5 hours until we gave a cool bath, swaddled him in just his diaper, and fed him 5oz.
He woke up at 4am for his feeding and was starving so he ate and fell right back to sleep before I could even change his behind. I got him all fixed back up, took his temp and it was 101.6. Worried that his fever had not broke, I called the pediatrician on call. They told me to keep doing what I was doing as long as he had no other symptoms and was sleeping soundly.
7am rolls around and his temperature had spiked to a whopping 103.2! I gave him another dose of Tylenol, got him ready, and swooped him off to prompt care. Upon arrival he was livid, sweaty, and his temp was 102.9 rectally so we were sent to the emergency room.
He had a X-ray of his torso from shoulder to crotch, a catheter to extract a urine sample, blood count and blood culture, an iv, after three failed attempts and 2 blow veins. The poor little guy was put through the ringer. They thought it was meningitis, but after a battery of tests we were sent home with the diagnosis of "stomach virus" and "fever-infant."
Basically we were told to ride this out and keep the fever in check by giving Tylenol every 4 hours. If the fever doesn't break by Monday morning we need to go Inez we've supposed to watch out for seizures with his fever being so high. He is more prone to them due to his brain injury, peri ventricular luekomalacia.
Little did I know I'd have a surprise when I got home. Ethan and Gabe also had fevers and diarrhea. It's now 11p and I've got Ethan's temp down to 99.2. He's on an every other Tylenol Advil regimen. He's laying in his diaper next to me watching toy story. Gavin is in the swing with a "be kool" gel fever reducing patch on his forehead and chest. He's getting just Tylenol, dr said they're too immature still to alternate, and his temp is at 101.5z
Gabe is out in the bouncy seat crying to daddy with the same set up as Gav, and his temps 101.9. :(
They have no thee symptoms but the fever besides a small amount of loose stool so were just supposed to fend off the flames of these fierce fevers for now.
I've started a new project. I am going to read the bible in 90 days. I've never been a super religious person. A couple yeas of Sunday school and a catholic baptism are about the extend of my religious experience. I figure I read every thing else I might as well read the most popular book on the planet. I downloaded the YouVerse app so wish me luck!
On a side note I am totally and undeniably addicted to American horror story! I have 3 episodes left of season 1! Not normally my cup of tea but its my new guilty nap time pleasure :)
That's great that you're reading the Bible! The YouVerse app is awesome. I'm working on that as well; reading through Numbers right now. : )