Thursday, July 12, 2012

Gavin is 2lb 4oz and Gabriel is 2lb 1oz. They are both measuring 27w2d just like I am! :) Their fluid pockets are both still decreasing and are right at 2cm. My MFM isn't concerned about delivering them this week because they also had full bladders and stomachs with good Doppler blood flows. We did however talk about steroid shots next week and he said they only do steroid shots if they are planning on delivering within 7 days! So if their fluid keeps decreasing then that's the plan! so close it's scary!

I have lost 3 more lbs this week totally almost 8 in the past two weeks and am only up 8lbs from my starting weight. lots of pain, lots of stretching, and cramping :/ and beyond exhausted!!

So boo on fluid decreasing and feeling like poo but yay for growing babies! My dr came in the room doing a 2lb dance lol because 2lbs or 32 weeks was our goals for 95% survival!

Plus both little men are Head down and so smoothed their little profiles have pig noses! :( but that definitely explains he searing hip pain. It feels like they have an ice pick and are trying to chisel their way out the center of my pubic bone. Talk about uncomfortable. Plus my ribs are killing me from the flexing legs and wiggling toes in them and my hips grind when I walk. I know understand why when the elderly fall down they have a hard time getting up! I feel like my entire body is running on an 1/8 of a tank of gas and were nearing the fumes!

For now Ethan and I are laying in bed watching monsters inc for the gajillionth time and waiting for "dada" to get home from work :)

It's been a long hard trying exhausting day.

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