Well I have sort of become a slacker and totally side tracked the blog for a little while now but I think it may be time for a come back. I forgot the original reason I set out to write this blog, besides give my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins a place to see how we were doing, but to help educate other mothers on what life is life before, during, and after being diagnosed with twin to twin transfusion syndrome.
Both of the little ones are now 12 months actual 9 1/2 months adjusted. Baby A, Gavin, was born with Periventricular Luekomalacia, an open PDA, and jaundice. He was on a vent for 6 days before breathing independently and it wasn't for 35 days that he didn't have any A's and B's before he could come home. My baby B, Gabe, donor, was born with brain cysts and jaundice. He was on a vent for 2 days before breathing unassisted and also stayed 35 days in the NICU even though he was ready to come home at day 28. He just couldn't stand to leave his brother behind.
After both starting out at 3lbs 11oz and 16in tall, Gabe is now 20lbs 10oz 30 in, and Gavin is 22lbs, 30in. As far as weight and growth go we have made tremendous progress. We just recently were evaluated by physical therapy through Illinois' Early Intervention Program provided at St. Johns Hospital, where the boys were born. They found Gavin's gross motor skills to be there of a 2-3 month old with a 78-90% delay and Gabe's to be that for a 4-5 month old with a 40-56% delay. We are also still currently doing Speech therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Developmental Therapy once weekly for both boys. Gavin is also doing Vision Developmental Therapy and going to an Intensive Feeding Clinic because he is still not eating solids.
Gabes diet consists of 2 8oz pediasures a day, once before bed and one split in the morning and before nap, and regular ol' table food. Gavin is on 4 pediasure's a day and is practicing with purees and soft diet foods dipped on a chewy or duo spoon.
We are getting so big and chugging right along! :)