Sunday, September 16, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

36 weeks 1 day gestation adjusted & 5 weeks 6 days actual today :)

From having Apgar scores of 2 & 3 at birth and being told over and over they weren't going to make it we sure have come a long way! The boys are paving their way with their own schedule and we've had a LOT less spitting up! Both are eating 1.5-2oz every 2-4 hours. There have only been a couple of times that they didn't wake up and eat together. Gavin finally pooped after no poop for three days so we are doing swell :) exhausted, mamas only had 3 hours of sleep each night since the boys came home, but swell!

We have our follow up pediatrician appointment tomorrow with Dr. Murray, whom we like very much, in the morning, and then my six week postpartum follow up tomorrow afternoon. So we will have an entire day from leaving the house at 9a until we get home at 4p in the afternoon. We will have to pack a HUGE diaper bag for all three babies and lots of frozen milk, thank god for my nicu stash!, and a TON of snacks for Ethan and a buttload of diapers.

The boys will get weighed in and their blood count tested to see how their anemia is doing. They've been getting .5ml polyvisol once daily. If their anemia doesn't get better the only other option is a transfusion, but let's hope it doesn't get that far. Pray for good blood count/hemoglobin levels and big weight gains!

Ethan gets his 12mo shots tomorrow! Yikes! I hope he doesn't spike a fever and get super grumpy like his 6mo shots because we have my afternoon appointment!

Tim works the graveyard again do he will have been up since 11p tonight so were letting him sleep. But while the boys are napping, mamas going to too!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Ethan got his first big booboo. The twins had their first dr appt yesterday. We love their pedi we even switched Ethan! Gabe weighs 5lb 1oz 19in and Gavin weighs 5lb 4oz and is 18.75in!

I am stinky, sore, and sleepy but I'm doing a pretty good job at this stay at home mom thing all alone. Caught up on laundry and dishes!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I have the perfect family and I could not ask for anything else. We have a roof over our head, food in our bellys, clothes to wear, a car, our bills paid. My children are beautiful and all perfect in their own ways :) I am the happiest and most blessed mother in the world that we have all survived this past year and the delivery of the twins. It is such a gift that all three of us made it out of my delivery alive and healthy after what happened. When you get pregnant you never think you are in that small window of people who could have fatal complications.

Being home and being able to touch all of my children, hold them, whenever I want, however I want is such an amazing feeling. Tim and I are truly blessed.